
Branding is not just about having flashy logos, visuals or creative designs, it is also about what customers or users feel and sense about your brand. Organizations have to give their customers the best experience they could get during the entire customer journey and lifecycle, without which even the best of the best products and services can fail in creating brand recall.

Digiligo believes a brand is all about what the customer is going to perceive of it, and we help our clients create a superior model for brand communication that consists of stories, videos, visuals, creative design, tonality, voice and vision. Each of these are built in such a way that customers get a sense-perception during their entire lifecycle with the brand.

We create such strong recall messages, that people, even if they are not customers will never forget your brand name.

Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points” Jonah Sachs


Brand Positioning

Positioning is an important part of the overall organizations brand strategy and could be a difficult task to execute and implement. Knowing this, we will help you identify the right target audience, product or service USPs and create a unique differentiator amongst the industry competitors.

You could be starting from scratch or have come here looking for an entire re-work on the current brand and its positioning. We can research, fully understand, and connect with the brand at any stage of their business life cycle.

What We Do

Primary and secondary research before both the client and our team concludes on the target group.

Competitor study to identify what is unique in your business model, or product offered.

Helping you create a market differentiator, be it a product, service or purely communication differentiator.

Brand Design

We don’t just make logos, we create an identity! With thorough market and audience research we try to understand the need of the hour and the relation it has to your brand, then ideate creative design elements around it.

Our team of creative geeks will help you create stunning names, logos, visual designs, and symbolic elements related to the brand to create a distinctive identity in comparison to the competitors in the market and also providing impetus to the product differentiation.

What We Do

Create unique logos with the help of our experienced and creative visual/graphic designers.

Understand the visual guides behind your brand, and what needs to be followed for uniformity across.

Even the smallest detail matters when it comes to customer experience. We will make you stand out!


Brand Voice & Tone

Defining voice characteristic and what to do and not to do around those characteristics are very important to create uniformity in the whole branding activity.

Once we help you identify what your brand has to voice out to its customers, prospects and the general public, we apply emotional inflexion to the voice so that you can adjust the voice to what’s suitable for a particular piece, message or campaign! Ideating and creating a brand voice and tone are equally important as other activities.

What We Do

Through the element of characterisation, create the overall sound of your brand that will stick out prominently in communication.

Not all campaigns can have a similar tone, define the right tone suitable for a situation, a target group and campaigns.

Don’t get stuck on what to do after these brand exercises, let us help you stand out with the freshly defined personality that we have created for you.

Brand Book

Would you like to have the entire activity to be documented so your organisation can follow it at every department or process they conduct?

Give your business/brand consistency and cohesion across all internal and external activities executed. This over a longer period of time builds and nurtures trust with your target audience, customers and other stakeholders. A book will not only help you in positioning a uniform brand image but establish and promote a unique organisational culture and identity, resulting in higher employee retention and satisfaction.


Clients consulted till date


Hours of design knowledge

12 %

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