
CookieLess World

What Does a CookieLess World Mean?

In the modern age, cookies have played a crucial role in shaping the experience online, providing tiny information snippets used by websites to keep track of information about users. These small data files, saved on users’ devices, allow websites to remember login details and preferences and track user activity. However, the digital world is evolving […]

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How to Train ChatGPT

How to Train ChatGPT — A Marketer’s Guide for 2024

The digital world has brought AI technologies into the marketing arena. ChatGPT is one of the latest marketing tools that is completely transforming the way marketers talk to their customers. The cutting-edge process of ChatGPT enables enterprises to automate content creation, customer service, and engagement at scale, making it an indispensable tool.  With its built-in […]

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http error 406

What Is a http error 406 Status code?

In the vast and intricate world of web development, HTTP status codes play a crucial role in communication between clients and servers. These three-digit codes convey information about a client’s request’s success, failure, or redirection.  Among these status codes, the 406 status code stands out as a specific indicator that carries valuable insights about the […]

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technology solution

Revolutionizing Business Transformation: Technology Solutions for Success

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the key to success lies in embracing technology solutions that revolutionize business transformation. With the advent of digitalization and the integration of advanced technologies, businesses have the opportunity to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and achieve unprecedented growth.  In this article, we will explore the various technology solutions that are […]

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Chat GPT Vs Google Bard

Let’s get a detailed analysis of Google Bard vs OpenAI ChatGPT

AI (artificial intelligence) is becoming a more important tool in modern society, and more and more businesses are using it in their day-to-day work. AI is used in industries like healthcare, finance, retail, and transportation to do things like automate routine tasks, make better decisions, and improve the customer experience. For example, AI-powered chatbots have […]

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Web 3.0 Architecture

Web 3.0 Architecture

The architecture of web3 is completely different. Here things are a little bit more complicated. The database and server are not centrally located. As we don’t have a centralized server, we can’t query data and perform all business logic. For this, we write something called smart contracts. These are pieces of code we write to […]

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web 3.0: future of internet

Web 3.0: The Future of the Internet

The internet generation in which websites and apps can process information in a more human-like or intelligent manner. They will be intelligent thanks to technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Blockchain, and Machine Learning (ML).  Web 3.0 is distinguished by openness, accessibility, incredible user utility, democratisation, and decentralization. When researching Web 3.0 technology, […]

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Application modernization services

What is Application Modernization and Its Services?

Application modernization is the repurposing, consolidation, or refactoring of legacy programming or software code. It helps to create new or value from existing applications to align them more closely with business needs. In addition, application modernization services update legacy applications to scalable, resilient environments to meet user expectations as they evolve. You can do this […]

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