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Top 10 Lead Gen Secrets You MUST Know in 2024! Turn Visitors into Customers

Website lead generation

Leads are the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy, representing potential customers who have shown a genuine interest in your products or services.

Having a robust online presence is crucial for business success. Your website serves as the digital storefront for your brand, making it essential to generate leads effectively. 

This article explores 10 proven ways to generate more leads from your website, helping you maximise your online potential.

Understanding the Importance of Lead Generation

Leads are more than just numbers; they have interacted with your brand and expressed a desire to learn more. By capturing these leads, you can nurture them through targeted marketing campaigns, turning them from prospects into loyal customers.

How Leads Translate to Revenue?

The value of leads extends beyond mere numbers; they directly impact your revenue streams. A well-nurtured lead can transition through the sales funnel, making informed decisions that result in purchases. 

Consequently, effective lead generation strategies can significantly boost your sales figures and contribute to business growth.

Here are the ten strategies to generate more leads from your website:

Optimise Your Website for Search Engines:

As per a report, A one-second delay in page load times yields 11% fewer page views, a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction and a 7% loss in conversions.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the cornerstone of a lead-generating website. It begins with thorough keyword research, identifying what potential customers are searching for, and integrating these terms into your site’s content, meta tags, and URLs. 

This strategy should also encompass technical SEO elements like improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and securing your site with HTTPS. A well-optimised website ranks higher in search engine results, increasing visibility and traffic. 

It’s also vital to keep content updated and relevant to maintain these rankings and acquire quality backlinks from reputable sites to enhance domain authority.

Create Intuitive Navigation:

Do you know? As per a report, Websites that are mobile-optimized can increase sales by up to 62%

Simplifying your website’s navigation helps visitors find information quickly and reduces frustration, decreasing the likelihood they will bounce away from your site. To optimise navigation, structure your menu with precise, logical headings that reflect your site’s content. 

Including a search bar can enhance the user experience, allowing visitors to skip directly to the information they need by typing in keywords. 

The goal of intuitive navigation is to help users navigate the flow of your site with minimal effort. This improves user engagement and increases the chances of converting visitors into leads as they can easily access sign-up forms, contact pages, or product information.

Include Relevant CTAs

Calls to Action (CTAs) are crucial for guiding visitors toward engaging with your content and services. Effective CTAs should be visually striking and strategically placed to catch the eye without overwhelming the page. 

They must be relevant to the page content and promise value, such as “Download Free Guide” on an informational blog post or “Get Started” on a product page. The language should inspire urgency or excitement, prompting the visitor to act immediately. 

Personalising CTAs based on the visitor’s journey or segment is also beneficial and can significantly increase conversion rates.

Add Social Proof:

As per a study, 34% increase in sales page conversions after adding testimonials.

Social proof leverages peer influence to build trust and credibility. You can demonstrate other customers’ confidence in your product or service by showcasing testimonials, reviews, user counts, and client logos. This is especially effective on landing pages, product pages, and at checkout to reassure potential leads that they are making the right decision. 

Consider dynamic forms of social proof like video testimonials or case studies, which can provide an authentic insight into the benefits of your offerings. 

Additionally, integrating real-time stats (e.g., number of current users, recent sign-ups) can enhance the effect of social proof by showing ongoing trust and satisfaction among users.

Improve Page Structure:

A clear and organised page structure benefits SEO and helps maintain visitor engagement. Each page should have a logical layout that guides visitors through your content, with headers that clearly define sections and help break up text into manageable chunks. 

Using bullet points and short paragraphs makes the content more accessible to scan, accommodating the typical online reading behaviour. Additionally, incorporating relevant images, infographics, or videos can help to illustrate points and maintain interest. 

The structure should facilitate a smooth flow that leads the visitor toward a CTA, subtly guiding them toward conversion without being too forceful.

Optimise Website Forms:

Optimised forms are essential for converting visitors into leads. Keep forms as short as possible; the more fields you require, the less likely visitors will complete them. Use form fields that are easy to fill out and include tooltips or examples to clarify what information is needed. 

Positioning forms prominently and ensuring they are easy to navigate is crucial—consider visibility without scrolling, especially on mobile devices. Test different layouts and lengths to find what yields the best completion rate. 

Also, reassuring users about privacy and the security of their data can alleviate any concerns that may prevent them from submitting a form.

A/B Testing

A/B testing involves comparing two web page versions to see which performs better regarding user engagement and conversion rates. You can learn what resonates most with your audience by systematically testing changes to your headlines, CTAs, images, or even entire layouts. 

Use tools like Google Optimise to implement these tests. Testing one change at a time is important to understand how each element affects user behaviour. 

Regular A/B testing ensures your website remains optimised for engagement and lead generation, keeping up with changing user preferences and behaviours.

Improve Website Performance

Website performance, including loading speed and responsiveness, directly impacts user experience and SEO. Slow websites lead to high bounce rates as users will likely lose patience and leave. 

Optimise images, use content delivery networks and minify CSS and JavaScript files to enhance speed. Ensure your website is responsive, adjusting smoothly to different screen sizes and orientations. 

Regularly testing your website’s performance with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can provide actionable reports to keep your site running quickly and smoothly.

Show Your Pricing

Transparency in pricing builds trust with potential customers. Displaying clear and detailed pricing information helps users make informed decisions quickly, increasing the likelihood of conversion from browsing to buying. If your pricing is variable, provide a range or start with a base price with options for customisation. 

Consider a “Request a Quote” feature that can generate leads by capturing user details for services. 

Additionally, comparing different service levels or packages allows users to assess which option best meets their needs quickly, potentially increasing customer satisfaction and perceived value.

Include Product Imagery or Demos:

Visuals play a critical role in online engagement. High-quality images, videos, and interactive demos can enhance user understanding and interest. 

For complex products or services, video demonstrations or interactive simulations offer a deep dive into the features and benefits, providing a clear sense of what’s being offered. 

For e-commerce, 360-degree views and zoom-in features allow customers to see products in detail, mimicking an in-store shopping experience. 

Including real-world applications or user-generated content can also help visitors visualise how they might use the product or service, further encouraging conversion.

Some Other Ways To Generate Leads From The Website

Generating leads from your website can be diversified with several innovative strategies beyond the fundamental approaches. These strategies focus on engaging users more deeply, leveraging technology, and optimising interactions to convert visitors into leads. 

Here are some additional methods to consider:

Use Live Chat and Chatbots:

Integrating live chat or chatbots can significantly enhance user engagement by providing real-time assistance. These tools allow you to answer visitor questions instantly, guide them through your site, and offer immediate help with issues they might face. Well-programmed chatbots can collect contact information and qualify leads by asking pre-set qualification questions.

Offer Free Tools or Resources:

Do you know? As per a report, B2B marketers who have blogs get 67% more leads than those who don’t.

Providing free tools, calculators, eBooks, blogs or white papers in exchange for contact details can be an effective lead magnet. For instance, a financial services website might offer a free retirement savings calculator. These resources add value for visitors and establish your authority in your industry, making users more willing to leave their contact information.

Host Webinars or Live Events:

Organising webinars and live online events can attract a targeted audience interested in specific topics. Registration for these events typically requires submitting contact information, which can be used to follow up with leads. Additionally, these sessions position your brand as knowledgeable and can be repurposed as content for other marketing channels.

Use Testimonials and Case Studies:

While similar to social proof, focusing on detailed testimonials and case studies can be particularly compelling. They provide real-life examples of how your products or services have helped others, which can persuade new visitors to convert into leads by filling out a form to learn more.

Implement Retargeting Strategies:

Retargeting, or remarketing, involves showing targeted ads to users who have visited your website but didn’t convert. By using cookies, you can keep your brand in the minds of these potential leads, encouraging them to return to your site. This strategy is highly effective as it focuses on people familiar with your brand.


Generating leads from your website is a continuous process that requires a strategic approach and ongoing optimisation. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article, you can attract more visitors, engage potential customers, and ultimately grow your business.

At Digiligo, we understand that every business is unique, so we offer bespoke digital solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our team of experts is committed to delivering results-driven strategies that enhance your website’s performance and drive tangible business growth.

Contact Digiligo today to discover how we can help you maximise your website’s potential and drive revenue like never before.

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