Some people do it right in their first attempt, while others make a few mistakes before getting the hang of it. For some, though, it just doesn’t seem to work. Like most things in business, finding the sweet spot of digital lead generation requires effort, time, and a lot of patience.
In this post, I write about the reasons why digital lead generation fails or doesn’t yield the expected results and what we can do to make it work for you.
Hitting the right target
This is the first and the most important aspect of digital marketing – targeting the right audience. In fact, this is the preliminary work that goes in before you even begin your digital marketing efforts. It is necessary to get your target audience right because otherwise, everything that you market will go in vain. But this is also the easiest step to go wrong with. It happens for several reasons – inaccurate market research, a skewed understanding of the brand, and ineffective brand placement in the market.
In the data-hungry world today, there is no dearth of information about your customers. There are many analytical tools that bring a vast amount of knowledge about your target audience. Using all this data properly with the right posts and content to the right people will give your business wondrous results. There are plenty of techniques and technology to enhance sales and drive home new customers every day. It is up to the skilled digital marketer to use these cleverly and efficiently.
Building your online presence
To put it simply, your online presence is increasingly considered a direct indicator of your credibility as a brand. The stronger your presence, the worthier your brand’s perception in the eyes of the customer. In addition, actively finding interesting ideas to engage with customers is key to making your online presence more noteworthy. In short, post relevant, updated, and good quality content consistently.
The power of going digital gives customers the space to have their opinions heard and responded to. The ease with which a customer can tweet a single opinion and sway other customers’ attitudes is both scary and extremely exciting at the same time. Scary, because there is the possibility of a disgruntled customer posting a negative review, making others think twice. Exciting, because there is also the satisfied customer who can post appreciation and make others want to check your brand out. Going digital offers power to both you and the customer.
This is an incentive for brands to work towards having loyal followers who are engaged and feel like they have a say in the brand’s commitment to them. This is exactly what you achieve when your social media marketing game is ace!
Riding the wave of trends
To get people to notice your brand, staying on top of the latest trends and create your own posts in line with those trends. But many people fail to do that. It is definitely not easy. For example, you can’t possibly relate a brand that sells clothes to, say, the rise and fall of Bitcoin prices if that’s what is most trending at a certain point in time. But one can definitely stay on top of what’s trending within their own industry/area of service. This helps you target and reach customers who are specifically interested in the kind of services you offer. Therefore, you get their attention and interest.
It is also an indicator of the “life” of the brand. Following the things your target audience does and sharing your views regarding those same things makes your brand relatable. Hence, customers would naturally tend to like you more.
Understanding your competition and yourself
Everything that I’ve written so far points to making your online presence felt so that you get more leads. It is essential to make sure that this online presence we are talking about is truly a reflection of your brand and its philosophy. Understanding your competition, their achievements, and failures, along with a clear-cut understanding of exactly what you want your brand image to be online are key to project your brand in the desired way.
Keep an eye on your competitors and be up-to-date on their campaigns and activities. This would help you plan and develop your own strategy. There is scope for creativity when it comes to digital marketing and content creation, even with the least creative brand profiles. Investing in good creative talent can yield impressive results.
Up your conversion game!
You’ve managed to create awareness, hold your customer’s interest, and now they’re on your website or social media channel. You’re just one step away from converting the lead into an actual customer. How do you get this step right? By ensuring that you give the customer something of value in exchange for their information when they fill the form.
People wouldn’t give their contact details if they don’t think you provide them with something they’d actually be interested in. It is imperative that you train your sales team to make the most of the information you receive from your digital marketing efforts. This can help convert them into paying customers.
We at Digiligo offer all of this and much more with our end-to-end digital marketing solutions. If you are interested in increasing your leads and digital ROI’s get in touch with us today!